Interior Painting Contractors

Get reliable, dependable interior painting contractors today from Jalapeno Paint Werx! This Chicagoland company provides both commercial and residential services directly from Naperville, IL to the surrounding suburbs. Professionals in all things painting, Jalapeno Paint Werx interior painting contractors can be hired for the following projects:

In addition, you can inquire about exterior painting as well, such as deck, stairs, shutters, fences, and much more. Request an estimate today or call Jalapeno Paint Werx at 630-527-1829 to speak to a representative!

Experience and organization!

Trust your painting needs to a company that has years of experience and a proven method of checkpoints that will get your painting project done on time and on budget! Every project is assigned a project manager with at least 15 years of experience. Along with a team of seasoned interior painting contractors, your project manager brings a level of expertise in both the field work and safety requirements.  

Jalapeno Paint Werx’s proven Jalapeno Way method keeps you in contact through every step of the process with your project manager. From color selection to painting and a final walkthrough, you will know exactly what to expect and when to expect it!

Call Jalapeno Paint Werx today at 630-527-1829 and hire your professional interior painting contractors now!